Isabella Kamińska Person-Info 

( Ich bin Isabella Kamińska)


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Die unheimliche Macht des Silicon Valley | Basler Zeitung
Die Logik hinter dem Kauf von Whatsapp durch Facebook zeigt eine erschreckende Perspektive: Für die Kontrolle über unsere Daten tun die Internetgiganten aus...

BBC News - What to do if the double dip is real?
Paul Mason on the gradual dawning on the global political elite that the economics they believe in do not work, and what must be done instead.

Guardian: Mystery bidder wins auction of Silk Road's nearly 30,000 bitcoin |...

US marshals do not release name of successful bidder as prominent contenders come forward and bitcoin prices rise

Guardian: Silk Road's legacy 30,000 bitcoin sold at auction to mystery buyers |...

Almost 30,000 bitcoins were auctioned on Monday, with a combined value of almost $20m, but the buyers remain elusive. By Alex Hern
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Isabella Kamińska
Vorname "Isabella" (7929)
Name "Kamińska" (39)
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