Isolde Tristan Person-Info 

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Guardian: Historical preservation … Michel Roux in Pélleas and Mélisande at Glyndebourne ...

[] were a complete survey of the music of Anton Webern, masterminded by Pierre Boulez and involving artists such as the violinist Gidon Kremer and the

Google News: Philharmonia Orchestra, dir. Esa-Pekka Salonen

[Télé] celui de Moïse et Aaron, de l'Echelle de Jacob. Notamment dans l'avant-dernier épisode, confié à une récitante, la sulfureuse actrice Barbara Sukowa.

Guardian: Brewer/Philharmonia/Mackerras

[] - At times Christine Brewer's mighty soprano was overwhelmed by the waves of Wagner's orchestral climaxes in the Götterdämmerung scene, written for Bayreuth's

Television movies for the Week of Dec. 13
[Pittsburgh Post Gazette] - 2 AM • Dragonheart '96. Dennis Quaid. A medieval dragon-slayer teams up with his intelligent prey to rid the land of a tyrant who betrayed them.
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Vorname "Isolde" (2949)
Name "Tristan" (94)
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