Ivan Karic Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ivan Karic)


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Serbia plans to ban dams in protected areas - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

... forwarded to the government and parliament at the beginning of 2019, Ivan Karic, the state secretary at the ministry, told Reuters on Tuesday.

Serbia plans to halt dam boom in protected areas | Reuters

Serbia has drafted a new law to ban the construction of small hydro power plants in protected areas, bowing to pressure from environmentalists aiming to...

(#294) Ivan KARIC - TBC - Tough Bloke Challenge (2010) | MultiSport...

Tough Bloke Challenge (2010). Tough Bloke Challenge (2010) /; TBC /; Results /; (#294) Ivan KARIC. Ivan KARIC (#294) ...

After the floods, questions for Balkan governments | Reuters

Pavle Pavlovic never heard the flood siren at 5 a.m. on Friday, May 16, when the waters of the nearby Kolubara River had already entered the Serbian town of...
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