Ivica Babic Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ivica Babic)


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derstandard.at: Kroatien: Ärztestreik trotz Gesprächen mit Regierung fortgesetzt

— Bei dem Dialog zwischen Vlahusic und dem Chef der Ärztegewerkschaft (HLS) Ivica Babic kam es Mittwoch Abend offenbar zu keiner Lösung. › International › Europa

Croatian doctors lured west, giving newest EU member a headache |...

The strong turnout at Careers in White, an international jobs fair for health workers last month in the Croatian capital, was good news for organizers but...

Liverpool, Manchester City match bringing diverse fans together

— Ivica Babic, too, supports players based on their home country rather than the shirt on their backs. Jozef Kapel of Clark, NJ waits for his ... › how-we-live ›
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