Ivonne Weichold Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ivonne Weichold)


CANCELLED - Research: Innovation + construction - Helloboss

The agricultural city towards an agro-urbanism with a focus on Luxembourg, Ivonne Weichold Model's for reuse and recycling of architecture, ... › events

Land and Food, Shaping the Luxembourgish Agricultural ...

The first orator, Ms Ivonne Weichold, aims at presenting a best case scenario and the existing obstacles hindering its realisation. › agenda › la...

Workshop on Soil Sustainability

Ivonne Weichold (Uni.lu/ASTA). Agroecologics: towards a territorial, integrative agri-urban design. Luxembourg as a case study. Romain Meyer. › event › works...

Agricultural landscapes of densification - Singapore-ETH Centre

— Ivonne Weichold is a PhD researcher and a lecturer in architecture and urban design in the Department of Geography, Spatial Planning and ... › news ›
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