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Stories: Manhattan Portage and Meltin’Pot launch accessory line

Denim brand Meltin’Pot has collaborated with NYC’s Manhattan Portage on a denim-inspired urban accessory collection for S/S

CX Semantic Scholar

Mustapha Haddach, Jerome Michaux, +19 authors David M. Ryckman; ACS medicinal chemistry letters; Structure-activity relationship analysis in a series ...

Manhattan Portage Carries Heavier BTB Book - DMNews

"Online has really taken off," said Jerome Michaux, director of sales and marketing at Manhattan Portage. "[E-commerce sales] are going to be ...

Meltin' Pot, Manhattan Portage in Co-branded Venture – WWDwwd.com › fashion-news › denim

... and beyond,” said Jerome Michaux, Manhattan Portage's international sales and marketing manager. Founded in 1983, Manhattan Portage ...
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