Jérôme Patt Person-Info 

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Jérôme Patt kressköpfe - Detail: kress.de

Jérôme Patt; Jérôme Patt . VP Cloud-Architecture & IT-Operations Ströer SE & Co. KGaA

The Stress of College Applications – The Eagle's Eye

If you ask a senior in high school, what is the first word that comes to their head when they hear college applications, there is a high chance they’ll say...

Leyden helps with Lydia Home - The Eagle's Eye

— Sponsor Mr. Jerome Patt explained his appreciation for the Leyden students: “I love seeing our kids bring in all the gifts and seeing their ... ›

French Exchange Program – The Eagle's Eye

Math teacher Mr. Jerome Patt said, “I loved it! I like having anybody from any other country in my class. It was just fun for them to see what we do ...
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