Jacob Leu Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jacob Leu)


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NZZ: Unmittelbar zu Gott - NZZ

— ... Régime die grundlegende Verfassungsurkunde der Schweiz bleibt. Noch gibt der spätere Zürcher Bürgermeister Johann Jacob Leu Simlers. › ...

L-Plate refs on the whistle | Daily Telegraph

— , and Alexis Nott, hold the ball while coaches Kiara Richardson and Jacob Leu watch, while Isaac McWhirter , 15, whistles. › ...

INSIGHT-Tarnished lion of Swiss banking to roar no more

— When Johann Jacob Leu -- later mayor of Zurich -- set up Leu et Compagnie bank, its deposits and bonds were stored in an iron chest at the ... › article
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