Jacques Picard Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jacques Picard)


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Marianas Trench in the South Pacific - Mankind's Greatest...

The deepest point of the world's oceans, the Mariana Trench, could swallow Mount Everest whole with more than a mile to spare. In 1960, U.S. Navy Lieutenant...

Dior's Galliano battles economic crisis with flowers | Reuters

Dior designer John Galliano threw off any notion of recession on Monday with his boisterous collection of tight bodices and swinging skirts that recalled the...

Guardian: Royal wedding dress designer wins plaudits – and is tipped for top...

Sarah Burton is known as a private person, but she has been linked with Christian Dior after the commission of a lifetime

Ihr Schicksal trifft uns mitten ins Herz | Tages-Anzeiger

Schweizer Holocaust-Opfern steht ein Ort des Gedächtnisses zu. An einer Gedenkfeier appellierte Historiker Jacques Picard an die Politik.
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