James Letto Person-Info 

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Jetskier who saved girl, 4, who fell ASLEEP and drifted out to sea...

THE MAN who saved the life of a sleeping four-year-old girl carried half a mile out to sea on her boogie board last night insisted 'I'm no hero'.

Hero jet skier rescued girl after finding her out at sea – The Sun

Rachel added: “We are so grateful for what he did. It was genuinely life-saving.” Deputy coastguard manager James Letto said: “It was great ...

Girl, 4, rescued after drifting half-a-mile out to sea asleep on body...

Jemima Chambers was rescued by her mother, Rebecca, who was given a lift to collect her by a passing jet-skier

Four-year-old girl saved by jet-skier after drifting HALF A MILE ...

— "It's called 'A Sonnet of Thanks to the Hero of the day at Rozel Bay'." Deputy coastguard manager James Letto said such incidents were unusual ... › uk-news
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