Janelle Thomas Person-Info 

( Ich bin Janelle Thomas)


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BBC NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | Shot man jailed following...

A man shot by police after threatening to kill officers the day following his mother's death is jailed.

Janelle Thomas wins Kilgour Prize 2015: Vote now for People's Choice...

SYDNEY artist Janelle Thomas is the winner of the $50,000 Kilgour Art Prize offered through Newcastle Art Gallery,...

The Kilgour Prize winning portrait by Sydney artist Janelle...

Nov 2015, 10:56am. The winner of Newcastle's Kilgour Prize - 'Helen Ross, 94 with Kirsty' by Sydney artist, Janelle Thomas.

Oberon's Janelle Thomas and Heath Hamilton are still in shock after...

Janelle Thomas and Heath Hamilton are still in shock after the birth of their daughter Jaylyn Rae at the intersection of William and Durham Street, Bathurst on...
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