Janet Francis Person-Info 

( Ich bin Janet Francis)


(1 - 4 von 9

Wildunger Schülerfirma setzt auf Ketten aus Haifischzähnen - HNA

Fachlehrer Roland Friedrich, der das Projekt als Schulpate gemeinsam mit Katja Möller-Wickert und Janet Francis betreut, hatte die Idee zu dem ungewöhnlichen Modeschmuck. Die Haifischzähne hat Friedrich in den ...

Thomas Janet Francis Roskilly In TAVISTOCK - Farming (Livestock) |...

Thomas Janet Francis Roskilly in Tavistock, PL19. Contact them today for more information on their services.

Coronado Names New Visitor Center Manager - Janet Francis | Coronado...

Coronado's very busy Visitor Center recently welcomed a new leader as Janet Francis joined the staff of the Coronado Historical Association as ...

Historic Oulnina here to stay | Stock Journal | South Australia

DESPITE having been in the same family for more than 100 years, Oulnina Station, just outside of Mannahill, has continually evolved.
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