Janet Horvath Person-Info 

( Ich bin Janet Horvath)


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"Hebt die Titanic!": US-Thriller-Autor Cussler stirbt mit n-tv.de

Er war nicht der größte Literat, aber ein Thriller-Autor, der wusste, wie man ein gutes Abenteuer erzählt: Clive Cussler. Nun ist der US-Bestseller-Autor...

Jury: Author Cussler must pay $5 million - The Denver Postwww.denverpost.com › › jury-author-c...

· Cussler smiled and hugged his fiance, Janet Horvath, after the verdict was read. “I'm relieved that it's over, and now we can go home,” ...

Cellist bids adieu due to hearing condition - StarTribune.com

Janet Horvath, Minnesota Orchestra associate principal cellist, has resigned because of painful hearing condition.

Guardian: Clive Cussler obituary | Thrillers | The Guardianwww.theguardian.com › books › feb › clive-cussler-...

· Barbara died in He is survived by his second wife, Janet Horvath, and the son, Dirk, and two daughters, Teri and Dayna, of his first ...
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