Jeanette Burda Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jeanette Burda)


95th annual Primrose Alumni held June Albion News ›
· Jeanette Burda lit the votive candles in remembrance of the deceased alumni read by Bridget Dobson. Virginia Spike read a poem, “I Remember-Do ...

New DAIS shelter a safe place for pets - Isthmus | Madison, Wisconsin
Candy and JJ can't tell us what happened at their town of Bristol house on Sept According to news reports, animal control officers removed the cat and dog...

Schüler aus Burkina Faso zu Besuch: Wie geht man auf Schnee? › Region › Landkreis Böblingen
· „Ich erinnere mich noch, wie Ainssita sagte, sie wolle so gern Schnee sehen“, sagt die Renninger Lehrerin Jeanette Burda.
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Vorname "Jeanette" (6943)
Name "Burda" (529)
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