Jenny Saville Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jenny Saville)


(1 - 4 von 30
) Jenny Saville, - DER SPIEGEL

23, britische Malerin, ist, so der Sammler Charles Saatchi, derzeit »eine der aufregendsten Künstlerinnen« auf der britischen Kunstszene. Wahrscheinlich ist...

Jenny Saville on learning from Leonardo da Vinci | The Times
Jenny Saville on learning from Leonardo da Vinci. As a monumental exhibition of Leonardo da Vinci's paintings opens at the National Gallery, YBA Jenny Saville reflects on what contemporary artists can learn from the world's most revered artist. Jenny Saville. November , 12:02am, The Times. We are sorry, you need ...

Renowned painter Jenny Saville opens Dragon School exhibition |...
PUPILS at the Dragon School in North Oxford welcomed renowned portrait painter Jenny Saville to their Artweeks exhibition.

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