Jill Menzel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jill Menzel)


(1 - 4 von 10

Running Up the Score : Brazilian Immigrant Sews Up the American Dream...

Jill Menzel strolls through her Wilmington factory in an elegant cream, wool dress and heels, exuding a casual manner as she surveys this long room cluttered...

Biennial Rio De Janeiro, Brazil - The International Palm...

The memorable day ended with a farewell banquet hosted at Jill Menzel's residence at Boa Esperança ranch. We'll never forget the camaraderie with good  ...

2014 MBC News

The team chose to honor Jill Menzel with the species Syagrus menzeliana. A Director of the International Palm Society, Jill is a great supporter of palm ...

Rottweil: Das Haus, wäre nicht das, was es ist - Rottweil & Umgebung...

Vinzenz-von-Paul-Hospital: 106 Mitarbeiter feiern Dienstjubiläum
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Name "Menzel" (2127)
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