Jim Anastos Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jim Anastos)


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Darryn Lyons plans 28-storey Christmas tree for Geelong ...

“I think it's a great idea, very good idea, [it will] attract a lot of tourism,” Fisherman Jim Anastos said. But, like Christmas itself, the tree is not just ...

The Trick to the Perfect Gay Vacay? A Gay Travel Agent! - Celebrity ...starsalert.com › news › the-trick-to-the-perfect-gay-...

vor 5 Tagen · That's where travel agents like Jim Anastos come in. Anastos is an agent at Trips with George, one of the oldest gay-owned businesses in ...

The Trick to the Perfect Gay Vacay? A Gay Travel Agent! ► Last News

A vacation is supposed to be a break, a time for rest and relaxation away from the hustle and bustle of the real world. But when it comes to planning a trip,...

More gatherings and notable events Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Making "Magic Moments in the Sun" a night to remember were chairs Tom and Kris Kobus. Enjoying were John H. Harris Award recipient Patricia Seibel, board chair Dr. Ken Melani (with daughter Carrie), Kay Cupples, Bob and Joan Milsom, Steve and Eileen Brazinski, IKEA's Jim Anastos and executive ...
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Vorname "Jim" (7083)
Name "Anastos" (36)
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