Jim Bold Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jim Bold)


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Google News: Jim Hightower | Real Recovery Is Easy to Spell: JOBS

[truthout] - America's workers and communities don't need presidential assurances, they need action, bold and immediate. As Obama said in last year's campaign

Google News: Northtec's Kerikeri Campus Hosts Rising Star On Global Ceramics Stage

[Voxy] - "It's been a real pleasure working with NorthTec arts tutor Richard Parker and alongside so many talented artists in the studio," said Jim.

Google News: 'Brief Interview' with John Krasinski

[Boston Herald] - “Sadly, it was very easy to get these guys to do that stuff,” joked Krasinski, who cast Will Arnett, Will Forte, Josh Charles, Bobby Cannavale

Jim in Bold (film screening) | Indiana State University

Film about the story of Jim Wheeler, from rural Pennsylvania, who took his own life as a direct result from bullying by his peers. Five years later, Young Gay...
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