Jim Nattrass Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jim Nattrass)


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Family's stolen canoe is recovered downstream - Tampa Bay TimesTampa Bay Times

"I'm sure it was someone joyriding," said Jim Nattrass. The couple owns Withlacoochee RV Park and Canoe Rental. Much of their property stayed under water ... › fam...

High School Rugby - Tours & TournamentsBC Rugby News

Coach Jim Nattrass said he has seen players from the boys and girls teams tossing the ball around together on the field during breaks, and appreciates the ... › show_...

12 June British Transport Police AuthorityBritish Transport Police Authority

— Led by Chief Inspector Jim Nattrass, BTP deployed 100 officers and the LN custody bus as part of a joint operation with Cambridge officers ... › forcenews

10 Sep BURRA PRIMARY SCHOOL - TroveNational Library of Australia

Grade V. — Jim Nattrass 97; Laurie. Weston 93; June Jesser, Avis Bruce,. Bob Rogers 92; Dick Pascoe 91. Grade VI — Jessie Morrison 90;. fiths 47, Jim Nattrass'44, =Fraiilc. Kcmfelef Mark 'Lee ' Grade VII, Kevin Wedd, Bobbie. Nankivell, Pnhbie J^sspr 50, Bohhi'p. › article
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