Jim Velde Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jim Velde)


Becker County farmers, subsidized renters, dealing with the...

Because of the partial government shutdown, the Becker County Housing Authority had to scramble to make sure landlords got paid this month for renters in the...

Corn harvest is golden for many farmers in western Minnesota - West...

AUDUBON -- It's an unprecedented sight in Audubon -- at least as far as local farmers remember. Niblets of

David Wendt

Funeral services for David Wendt of Morris will be held Friday, February 13, at 2:30 PM at Hosanna Worship Center in Morris. Pastor Tom Fangmeier and...

Farmers amazed at record grain prices - Detroit Lakes Tribune | News,...

DETROIT LAKES - As anyone who keeps track of U.S. grain markets can tell you, the price of wheat has been reaching record highs of late. But while that might...
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