Jim Zinko Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jim Zinko)


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Girls to showcase soccer talents for U.S. college scouts - Winnipeg...

Last April two soccer parents, Jim Johnston and Curt Sparrow, who knew all too well the cost of a un...

Guardian: Atlético Madrid v Fulham - as it happened | Europa League | The...

Diego Forlán scored a 116th-minute winner to break Fulham's hearts in Hamburg

St Paul's High School - Crusader Raffle: Thanking our Volunteers!

Jim Zinko. Darlene Ducharme. Gracinda Bueno. Debbie Oleksewycz. Mona Linton. Monica Ring. Susan Micflikier. Quentin and Liz MacCharles.

Valour FC to push girls forward – Winnipeg Free Press

Breaking News, Sports, Manitoba, Canada
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Name "Zinko" (19)
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