Jimmy Darrell Lemke Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jimmy Darrell Lemke)


Facebook Block Party Demonstrates Power, Peril of Social Networking

The story of a block party that spiraled out of control through Facebook underscores the impact that social networking sites can have.

Facebook block party? Forget it

Whatever you do today, Jimmy Lemke is begging you: Do not show up on N. Frederick Ave. ready to party. The University of ...

This Week In Galion’s History - Galion Inquirer

Galion has a colorful and lengthy past. The events noted in this column are taken from the Galion Inquirer archives from years past. The focus will be item

Lemke kids are home | CBC News

Their parents, Karen and Darrell Lemke, were arrested in California last August for using false identification. The couple spent about two weeks ...
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