Joachim Lorbach Person-Info 

( Ich bin Joachim Lorbach)


44 Jahre Deutsch-Koreanische Kooperation der …
· 44 Jahre Deutsch-Koreanische Kooperation der Forstwirtschaft. Zwei ehemalige deutsche Förster Hartmut Kiene-Kroos und Joachim Lorbach sowie der hessische Minister für Umwelt, Klimaschutz, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz und Leiter des Nationalparks Kellerwald-Edersee Manfred Bauer besuchten im Zeitraum vom bis Südkorea.

44 Years of German-Korean Forestry Cooperation
· Two former German forest officials Hartmut Kiene-Kroos and Joachim Lorbach as well as Manfred Bauer, the head of the Hessian Ministry for the Environment, Climate Protection, Agriculture and Consumer Protection as well as head of the Kellerwald-Edersee National Park, visited South Korea from October 5th until October 7th based on an invitation by the Korean Forestry Services (KFS).

Guidelines for forest road engineering in mountainous terrainLogging On Newsletter
It was authored by R. Jonathan Fannin and Joachim Lorbach. Source: › news

German forestry experts visit Korea to commemorate 44th ...The Korea Herald
— Also joining the visit were two German forestry technicians Hartmut Kiene-Kroos·and Joachim Lorbach, who had participated in the ...
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