Joe Bader Person-Info 

( Ich bin Joe Bader)


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Joe Bader | Arizona Capitol Times
Voters in Arizona communities are free to enact their own “living wage” laws despite a state statute prohibiting it, the state's top lawyer has conceded. Read More ...

County Doctors Vote Decisively to Leave Union - Los Angeles Times
Hardball tactics and loss of a key benefits package are cited. Labor group defends its record and says it may seek more balloting later.

County settles dispute over doctor benefits - Los Angeles Times
The board agrees to pay a total of $10 million to 670 physicians who were denied compensation when they unionized.

Die Glocken rocken - Eschacher Rockfestival » Nachrichten und Bilder
Die Genres der Bands umfassen sämtliche Richtungen der Rockmusik. Für Junge und Junggebliebene verspricht das Echacher Rockfestival ein...
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