Joe Finny Person-Info 

( Ich bin Joe Finny)


(IUCr) legacy-articles
In the summer of we had a summer Graduate Assistant, Joe Finny, search the literature and enter the details of known metal and alloy structures into our ...

(IUCr) Crystallography in Canada
In an effort to enable us to solve the structure of the new phases that our metallurgists were creating, we decided that developing a computer-based data set of the known structures was necessary. In the summer of we had Joe Finny search the literature and enter the details of known metal and alloy structures into our ...

Бренд Roadhandler вернется на американский рынок при помощи Hankook |...
Шинный ритейлер Sears Automotive Group, входящий в Sears Holdngs, объявил о возвращении на рынок бренда Roadhandler после 12-летнего перерыва.
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