John Gunner Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Gunner)


Gunner bailed from an airplane
[Sarasota Herald-Tribune] - By JOHN SMITH as told to ABBY WEINGARTEN In March 1943, John Smith, a 20-year-old from Fort Devens, Mass., was drafted into the Army Air Corps.

Google News: John Watson: Victims finally at rest 58 years later

[Cleburne Times-Review] - Lt. Edwin F. Smith, Co-Pilot/Flight Officer, Glasgow, Kentucky; Cpl. Earl F. Wischmeier, Gunner, West Burlington, Iowa. 1st Lt. Aubrey K. Stenson

Google News: John Watson: 'I am a Christian. I prayed:' Recalling a terrifying crash

[Cleburne Times-Review] - Lt. Smith was informed later in the day that there was one other survivor from his plane, waist gunner Cpl. Earl E. Wischmeier from West Burlington, Iowa.
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