John Hilary Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Hilary)


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Jan W. Goudriaan, John Hilary — der Freitag
J. W. Goudriaan ist Generalsekretär des Europäischen Gewerkschaftsverband für den Öffentlichen Dienst (EGÖD), J. Hilary Direktor von War on Want

War on Want chief quits amid claims of anti-semitism | News | The...
This article is the subject of a legal complaint from John Hilary. The head of a controversial charity is leaving without a job to go to amid ...

Guardian: John Hilary: UK charities have lost their radical soul | Global...

War on Want's executive director explains to Claire Provost why he has written a sharp critique of NGOs in his new book The Poverty of Capitalism
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Vorname "John" (38044)
Name "Hilary" (19)
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