John O. Dee Person-Info 

( Ich bin John O. Dee)


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Blog: John Dees letztes Fluchtauto und ´ne feine Geschichte dazu —...
Zur Geschichte des John Dee, der keine Intelligenzbestie war und nie im Leben auch nur einen einzigen Zugang zu Engeln suchte, passt das Fahrzeug.

Let Tudor magician Dr John Dee put you under his spell | The Times
The answer is simple: since the Royal College of Physicians decided to put on a show about Dr John Dee. To coincide with the staging of ...

A Point of View: Science, magic, and madness - BBC News
Adam Gopnik says Galileo was a great scientist because he wasn't afraid to admit when he was wrong.

Guardian: John Dee painting originally had circle of human skulls, x-ray...

Enigmatic Tudor polymath known in his day as ‘the Queen’s conjuror’ is subject of exhibition at Royal College of Physicians
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