John Orrock Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Orrock)


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Pflanzen rüsten sich gegen Schnecken - › pflanzen-ruesten-sich-gegen-schnecken
· „Eine der ökologisch interessanten Eigenschaften der Pflanzen ist, dass sie nicht wegrennen können“, erklärt John Orrock, Biologe an der ...

Tomato plants turn caterpillars into unstoppable cannibals
“Many insects are known to become cannibalistic when the going gets tough,” said biologist John Orrock, author of a new study on the ...

Tech Helping Tech: John Orrock on Cloud Sherpas and Future › tech-helping-tech-john-orrock...
· ... John Orrock, Cloud Sherpas Founder and Senior VP for Asia Pacific. To have a Philippine-operated startup... The post Tech Helping Tech: John ...

Guardian: When very hungry caterpillars turn into cannibals | Insects | The...

Research shows that defensive chemicals emitted by plants cause armyworms to turn on each other
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