Johnny King Person-Info 

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Google News: A mixture of comment, fact and captivating trivia via email

[When Saturday Comes] - John Aldridge becomes player-manager of Tranmere, the previous incumbent, Johnny King, being offered the dreaded consultancy role. Huddersfield have sacked Craig Whittington, recently suspended from playing until November after two separate drug tests

Scooters: Economical thrill rides
[Florida Times-Union] - "In 2007, when gas prices went sky-high, that was when we started to see people using scooters for transportation, not just for fun," said Johnny King, sales manager of Beach Blvd. Automotive. "But, for the last two or three years, scooter sales have

Two people injured in domestic dispute
[WAFF] - Police said Leonard King and Johnny King were fighting when Leonard pulled a knife and cut Johnny. According to reports, when Patricia Holden attempted to stop the fight, Johnny King pulled a knife and cut her. Both men were arrested, and no injuries

Bucks County Duathlon restarts September 4
[Bucks Local News] - Bofinger crossed the line just ahead of Johnny King-Marino (54:21), a perrenial marathoner and triathlete from Doylestown. Dave Dixon, 44, was the first person from Doylestown to finish the race, registering a time of 52:17.
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