Jonathan Blunk Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jonathan Blunk)


(1 - 4 von 37
) Anhörung zum Aurora-Massaker: Er sah mich nur an und grinste

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Panorama] - Eine Gerichtsanhörung im US-Bundesstaat Colorado soll klären, ob James Holmes, der Kino-Amokläufer von Aurora, zurechnungsfähig ist. Erstmals legten Polizisten grausige Details des Blutbads offen, bei dem zwölf Menschen starben. Sie verdeutlichen dabei erneut die Probleme des US-Waffenrechts. 

Colorado shooting victims | CNN
A gunman opened fire in a movie theater July 20, 2012, in Aurora, Colorado, killing 12 people and wounding 70. See photos of the victims.

Aurora theater shooting: Jon Blunk, 26, died trying to protect his › › jon-blunk
· He will receive a full military funeral and burial. A Wells Fargo account — “Jonathan Blunk Memorial Fund” — has been set up for contributions, ...

Review: 'James Wright: A Life in Poetry,' by Jonathan › review-james-wright-a-life-i...
· Jonathan Blunk, the authorized biographer, shows considerable empathy for his subject, and his sensitivity to the poetry shines through this ...
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