Joumana Abou Person-Info 

( Ich bin Joumana Abou)


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SWMM Accounting for a lake in a middle of watershed
I am working on a project in remote mining area for simulating daily flows at the outlet of watersheds over 50 years of continuous data. The watersheds in...

SWMM Snowmelt and groundwater flow
· Joumana Abou-nohra ... We were having an issue with a long-term (48-year) continuous simulation with the snowmelt module. While the routing ...

SWMM Assigning local losses in pipes and channels
I am working with flow in open channels and pipes and would like to add local losses to the different flows. The way I understand, in SWMM, we can enter local...

Daily flow versus total volume results from SWMM
Joumana Abou-nohra. [Original email]. We have a problem that we discovered in SWMM lately. We are using SWMM with SI units to simulate flow (continuous ...
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Hans-Jürgen Enders
Vorname "Joumana" (69)
Name "Abou" (453)
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