Joyce Francis Person-Info 

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Joyce Francis - South Wales › deaths › deaths › 1...
Joyce Francis. FRANCIS Joyce May Of Stelvio Park Close, Newport passed away peacefully on 31st January 2018, surrounded by family and ...

Amy Francis inquest: Patient died after organ operation mix up - BBC...
A woman died after an experienced surgeon unintentionally attempted to take out the wrong organ during an operating theatre complication.

Sisters Joyce Francis and Phyliss Carlson - ABC News (Australian...
Sisters Joyce Francis and Phyliss Carlson. Posted 6 Jul 2016, 8:26pmWed 6 Jul 2016, 8:26pm. Sisters Joyce Francis and Phyliss Carlson fold clothes. They have each been volunteers at the op shop for about 20 years. ABC Riverland: Catherine Heuzenroeder. Topics: charities-and-community-organisations, renmark

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