Judith Konitzer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Judith Konitzer)


Performance Night at the Vilém Flusser Archive

— Mina Büker, Judith Konitzer and Mascha Naumann: wet weapon. The event takes place in the gallery of UdK's Medienhaus (ground floor, ... ›

Einzelansicht - silent green Kulturquartier

— 18: Mina Büker, Judith Konitzer, Mascha Naumann, Artists at residency Vilém Flusser Archive 19:15-19:30 Sacre-x (S4NTP) › eroeffnung-vorspiel-2022

Vorspiel Opening - silent green Kulturquartier

— 18:45-19:00 Mina Büker, Judith Konitzer, Mascha Naumann, Artists at residency Vilém Flusser Archive 19:15-19:30 Sacre-x (S4NTP) › detail
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