Juffali Abdul Hafeez Person-Info 

( Ich bin Juffali Abdul Hafeez)


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Abdul-hafeez Name Meaning in Urdu - عبد الحفیظ Muslim Boy Name Meaning

Abdul-hafeez Muslim Name Meanings in Urdu عبد الحفیظ, Abdul-hafeez Islamic Boy Name meaning, description, spelling and pronunciation in English and Urdu. Find...

Profile: Abdul Hafeez Pirzada — a lawyer par excellence - Pakistan -...

KARACHI: Abdul Hafeez Pirzada, the celebrated author of the country's unanimously adopted Constitution, was a lawyer par excellence who ...

Obituary: Abdul Hafeez Kardar | The Independent | The Independent

Abdul Hafeez Kardar was a brave, determined and con-troversial cricketer and ad- ministrator who, his critics notwithstanding, will be remembered as the father...

Pakistan: „Zeitlupen-Tsunami“ überschwemmt Kreditfähigkeit

Finanzminister Abdul Hafeez Shaikh werde in der kommenden Woche nach Washington reisen, um dort um eine Aufweichung der Auflagen für ...
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