Julia Von Der Grün Person-Info 

( Ich bin Julia Von Der Grün)


(1 - 4 von 16

Spiegel.de: Keith-Haring-Ausstellung: Große grüne Männchen - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Zusammen mit Urs Rohner, Vorstandsvorsitzender des Sponsors Pro Sieben, und der Direktorin der Keith Haring Foundation, Julia Gruen, half ...

Long Live the Legacy of Keith Haring: An Interview With Julia Gruen ...

This month in New York we have the rare opportunity to see a Keith Haring exhibition that opened on May 3 at the Gladstone Gallery in ...

[ Pisa ] Piazzetta Haring si fa bella. Torna in città Julia Gruen - gonews.it

Torna in città Julia Gruen - Giovedì 30 maggio tornerà a Pisa Julia Gruen, presidentessa della Fondazione Haring, che fu in città nell'ottobre ...

Keith Haring: A Discussion with Julia Gruen | Middlebury College ...

Long-time friend and, since 1984, studio manager for artist Keith Haring, Julia Gruen has been actively promoting Haring's art and the ...
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