Julianna Baggott Person-Info 

( Ich bin Julianna Baggott)


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Novelist Walks Into a Bar or Facebook or Wherever

[Huffington Post (blog)] - Julianna Baggott is the author of 17 books that you're allowed to buy if you want to. Her novel The Provence Cure for the Brokenhearted comes out in March, under pen name Bridget Asher. You can friend her on Facebook, but, of course, no pressure.

¡Julianna Baggott en España!

Si, si... como lo estáis leyendo, la autora de Puro visitará la capital española la próxima semana.Julianna Baggott estará junto a la editora de Roca Editorial...

Best-selling Author Julianna Baggott to teach at Worcester's Holy...

National bestselling author Julianna Baggott will teach at and bring other authors to Worcester's Holy Cross College in a two year appointed position.

REVIEW: Burn by Julianna Baggott - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

I admit to being a fan of bestselling writer Julianna Baggott's YA Pure trilogy. I've enjoyed each book greatly — for Baggott's richly imagined ...
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