Karl Anschütz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Karl Anschütz)


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Mozart’s ‘fine fair hair’ to be auctioned | The Times

This strand was given by Mozart's widow, Constanze, to the mother of the German-born 19th-century conductor Karl Anschütz. It then passed ...

Mozarts Haare und Bruckners Gummistrümpfe | DiePresse.comwww.diepresse.com › mozarts-haare-und-bruckners-gummistrumpfe

Mozarts Haare hat angeblich Witwe Konstanze der Mutter des deutschen Komponisten Karl Anschütz geschenkt; der kam nach England, ...

Guardian: Lock of Mozart's hair set to fetch £12,000 at auction | Music ...www.theguardian.com › music › may › wolfgang-amadeus-mozart-ha...

This Mozart lock was given by his widow, Constanze, to the mother of a German conductor, Karl Anschütz, and he in turn gave it to the musician ...

Karl Formes Macbeth

Here he first met Karl Anschütz, a musician whose career became linked to his own. After Coblenz he returned to the brewery at Cologne. In he went back ...
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