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( Ich bin Karl Musshoff)


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New results presented for Opdivo (nivolumab)

Results demonstrate encouraging response rate in an expanded population of heavily pre-treated classical Hodgkin lymphoma patients.

Artikel Deutsches Ärzteblatt

Aktuelles aus der Gesundheitspolitik, neueste Studien aus der medizinischen Forschung, Nachrichten aus der ärztlichen Berufspolitik und den Hochschulen

Opdivo for Relapsed Hodgkin's Lymphoma Supported by New ...lymphomanewstoday.com › new-r...

Also during the event, the study's research abstract was awarded the Karl Musshoff Prize for the Best Clinical Research Abstract. The award is ...

New Results Presented for Opdivo (nivolumab) Demonstrate Encouraging...

This abstract was awarded the Karl Musshoff Prize for the Best Clinical Research Abstract, which is granted every three years in conjunction with ISHL for ...
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