Karl Wadia Person-Info 

( Ich bin Karl Wadia)


(1 - 4 von 7

Reconstructing Mumbai? Answer's at home | undefined News - Times of...

Four young architects used Bhuleshwar and Matharpakady to provide a solution to the city's urban development problems.

Exciting wins for Randive, Banerjee in State Open Squash Championshi

Boys U-19 (2nd Rd): Puneet Parekh bt Vicky Singh 11-4; Rahul Deora bt Karl Wadia 11-3, 11-8, 11-8; Sumer Rao bt Nikhil Gupta ...

Symposium (Archcult) - NIT Trichy

Patrik Schumacher of Zaha Hadid Architects, Ar. Chitra Viswanath of Biome, Ar. Karl Wadia of Hafeez Contractors, Ar. Iype Chacko of Flying Elephant Studios, Ar. › events › sy...

JCA Lecture | Global Symposia MSAAD CLASS OF 2006

— 演講者: Abdulla Alshamsi, Priyamwada Singh, Karl Wadia, Santhosh Shanmugam, Johnny Chiu, Rachely Rotem, Amir Kripper, Steven Morales, ... › jca...
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Name "Wadia" (104)
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