Katharina During Person-Info 

( Ich bin Katharina During)


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World of Photos

the Paghman district of Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday, Three-days-old giraffe baby Kimara is touched by its mother Katharina during its first way out in the Opel zoo in Kronberg near Frankfurt, Germany, Tuesday, Jan.

Kanu and Katharina during the Radhey Krishan Agarwal Memorial Cup...

Kanu and Katharina during the Radhey Krishan Agarwal Memorial Cup Race, held in Lucknow.

The week's 20 best news photos, from the Associated Press ...

Three-days-old giraffe baby Kimara is touched by its mother Katharina during its first way out in the Opel zoo in Kronberg near Frankfurt, Germany, Tuesday, ... › world
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