Kathryn Caulfield Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kathryn Caulfield)


(1 - 4 von 19

Grocery chain sues Clorox, claims price discrimination – The Mercury...

In a lawsuit, the Woodman's grocery-store chain claims Oakland-based Clorox will only make large packs of products available to warehouse clubs, including...

Clorox to sell auto-care brands for $780 million | Reuters

Clorox Co has struck a deal to sell STP and other auto-care brands to private equity firm Avista Capital Partners for $780 million so it can focus more on...

UPDATE 2-Clorox may sell STP, Armor All - WSJ

... isn't uncommon, but it's our company practice not to comment on such rumor or speculation,' said Clorox spokeswoman Kathryn Caulfield.

(#31230) Kathryn CAULFIELD - 5km - The Sunday Mail Bridge to Brisbane...

The Sunday Mail Bridge to Brisbane Fun Run (2018). The Sunday Mail Bridge to Brisbane Fun Run (2018) /; 5km /; Results /; (#31230) Kathryn CAULFIELD.
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