Katsutoshi Yuasa Person-Info 

( Ich bin Katsutoshi Yuasa)


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Guardian: This week's new exhibitions | Art | The Guardian

Katsutoshi Yuasa | Winston Roeth | The Cult Of Beauty | Savage Messiah | Façade: Through A Glass Darkly | James Stirling | Elizabeth Magill | Tom Price

Artist profile: Katsutoshi Yuasa | HeraldScotland

Taking as a visual starting point his fascination with mythology, something "which we can share in our imaginations beyond country, religion ...

"Shots of Immanence" Katsutoshi Yuasa - Exhibition at Aspn in ...www.artrabbit.com › events › shots-of-immanenc...

Exhibition. "Shots of Immanence" Katsutoshi Yuasa. 17 Jan – 28 Feb Aspn · Leipzig, Germany. Location detailsToggle Location details ...

Backnang: Ein neuer Blick auf die Dinge - Rems-Murr-Kreis -...

Idyllische Aufnahmen unberührter Natur neben Unfällen und anderen Katastrophen, Stillleben als Blaupausen: die Galerie der Stadt Backnang zeigt ungewöhnliche...
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