Kay Cruz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kay Cruz)


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Kay Cruz: Thank you for your support of the Girl Scouts |...

I would like to thank the community for buying all the Girls Scout cookies that they did from my granddaughter, Rebecca Cruz. It is so awesome to see that the...

Bees, Almonds and Ice Cream: Häagen-Dazs Makes the Connection

In late February, California's almond orchards awaken from their winter dormancy, transforming more than a million acres of fertile valley soil into a low...

6 easy ways you can help save the bees - Los Angeles Times

The bees are in trouble, people! Here's your chance to save them

Obituary: Paul Joseph Cruz, Jr. | CraigDailyPress.com

Paul Joseph Cruz was born to Apolonio Paul Cruz Sr. and Kay Cruz on December 12, in of Craig, Colorado. Even as a child, Paul’s passion and excitement for...
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