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(1 - 4 von 18
) Bird Flu Warning: Germany Warns People to Keep Cats Inside - DER...

With the first bird flu death in a house pet, German officials ask residents to keep their cats indoors and their dogs leashed. Contact with dead birds poses a... Movie About Kidnap Victim Natascha Kampusch Released in Germany - DER...

A feature film about Natascha Kampusch, who was abducted at the age of 10 and held captive for eight years, hit German-language cinemas this week. Photo Gallery of Natascha Kampusch Movie - DER SPIEGEL

A movie about the 8 years that Natascha Kampusch was held captive in a house in Vienna has been released in Germany. Although it ends with her escape, her life...

How to keep cats and critters out of your yard – The Mercury News
, Calif., on Wednesday, Dec. 3, The shorter clipped left ...
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