Keisha Blake Person-Info 

( Ich bin Keisha Blake)


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“Permission to Enter” | The New Yorker
Fiction by Zadie Smith: “In the child’s mind, a breach now appeared: between what she believed she knew of herself, essentially, and her essence as others...

Preview the new Zadie Smith novel 'NW'
Sophisticated, elegant and provocative, Harper's BAZAAR is the fashion resource for women who are the first to buy the best, from casual to couture.

WPEO-NY Annual Awards Breakfast | WarnerMedia Supplier Diversity
Mandarin Oriental Hotel. Address: 80 Columbus Circle at 60th Street New York, New York Contact: Keisha Blake. Phone:

Neuer Roman von Zadie Smith: Zum Leben erweckt - Bücher - FAZ
Gerade ist Zadie Smiths neuer Roman erschienen, da wird er auch schon zu einem der wichtigsten Bücher der letzten Monate gekürt. „NW“...
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