Kelly Groth Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kelly Groth)


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Sacramento-area holes in one | The Sacramento Bee
Kelly Groth, 154-yard 16th hole at Cherry Island, 5-iron. ▫ Evan Matsumoto, 166-yard fifth hole at Bing Maloney, 6-iron. March 21. ▫ Michael ...

BART riders hold lunchtime 'eat-in' protest after ABC › story
Kelly Groth organized the Brunch on BART event. "I'm definitely upset, mad, a little frustrated. Still kind of ... "Over the years we've seen a surge of people videotaping police abusing power and targeting black and brown folks.

UCSF Wants to Get Bigger - SF Weekly
Now, after decades of buildout, there's little room for more expansion, and ... says Kelly Groth, an advisory committee member and co-president of the ... former mayor Willie Brown on UCSF's Mission Bay foray in the 1990s.

The Penn Relays - April , 2022
2, Wolmer's Girls (Kingston, JAM)Janeek Brown, Shauna Helps, Andrienne , Western Branch (Chesapeake, VA)Irielle Little, Milani Parks, Funlayo , Methacton (Norristown, PA)Kelly Groth, Aghina Marshall, Carly ...
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