Kelly Joe Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kelly Joe)


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Kelly Joe Phelps becoming a true original - Sarasota › story › news › › kelly-joe-phelps-be...
AP · TAMPA -- Kelly Joe Phelps is a rare breed of singer-songwriter who can hold his own as a guitarist with venerable jazz players such as Bill ...

Guardian: Kelly Joe Phelps, blues and country musician, dies aged 62 | › music › jun › kelly-joe-phe...

AP · Kelly Joe Phelps, the celebrated singer and guitarist whose music traversed blues, country and jazz, has died aged 62. A post on his Facebook ...

Kelly Joe Phelps, guitarist, singer and songwriter whose work › news › › kelly-j...
AP · Kelly Joe Phelps, guitarist, singer and songwriter whose work encompassed jazz, blues, folk and country – obituary.

Kelly Joe Phelps: blues picker does gospel songs - › programs › musicshow › kelly-jo...
AP · Kelly Joe's taken the Old Testament Book of Jonah as lyric inspiration for a delightful and virtuosic set of gospel songs on his new CD ...
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Vorname "Kelly" (7531)
Name "Joe" (514)
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