Kirsty Bertram Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kirsty Bertram)


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Dumfries activity club launches appeal for photographer to help them...
The activity club on Castle Street is hosting a fundraiser at the Easterbrook Hall in Dumfries on March

Buddies in Dumfries launch crowdfunding campaign to buy ...
— Co-ordinator Kirsty Bertram said: “We are planning to relocate our premises and the property we have found needs disabled access. › bu...

Wardens keep busy during the half-term | The Wiltshire Gazette and...
Ref Junior street wardens put their free time to good use during the half-term holiday.

Idea to lift the winter gloom - Daily Record
Winter lights festival could brighten up town
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Person "Bertram" (18)
Vorname "Kirsty" (867)
Name "Bertram" (1921)
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