Klaus Peter Glanz Person-Info 

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Google News: Télévision : la chaîne AMC part à la conquête du web

[DigitalWorld.fr] - The Trivial Pursuits of Arthur Banks est le fruit du travail de Peter Glanz, remarqué en au Festival du film de Sundance et à la Semaine de la critique cannoise, grâce à son court métrage A Relationship in Four Days. La série reflète l'une des

Neuigkeiten über Mad Men, Breaking Bad und Co.

[MOVIEPILOT NEWS] - August die Serie The Trivial Pursuits of Arthur Banks des Filmemachers Peter Glanz laufen. Mit dieser neuen Plattform will AMC junge und aufstrebende Autoren und Regisseure fördern. Was sind eure Gedanken zu diesen Updates? Auf welche Serie freut ihr

Adam Goldberg, Jeffrey Tambor Series to Launch New AMC Digital Studio

[Reuters] - It will begin with "The Trivial Pursuits of Arthur Banks," a series co-written and directed by Peter Glanz and starring Adam Goldberg with Jeffrey Tambor. The series will debut Aug. 22 on amctv.com and on the free, ad-supported Hulu.com, AMC announced

AMC launches digital outfit, says it's 'grateful' to Frank Darabont

[Los Angeles Times] - First up is "The Trivial Pursuits of Arthur Banks," a series from independent filmmaker Peter Glanz that will clock in at a total of 40 minutes and star Adam Goldberg and Jeffrey Tambor. "Pursuits" has the title character (Goldberg) staging a play that
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